Viper Walk behind Scrubber - AS6690T

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Viper Walk behind Scrubber - AS6690T : $9,900 AUD ($10,890 Inc. GST)

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Ex Demo Viper AS6690T walk behind scrubber complete with batteries, charger brushes & pad holders.
Simple to use walk behind scrubber, perfect for medium to large areas. Great for heavy scrubbing, stripping and general maintenance. Small enough for tight spaces with great turning circle.
Quiet and easy to use, push button start and control panels on handle grip.
Key features include:
· Intuitive control of all functions with control panel and LCD display
· Eco and Silent modes result in reduced cost and greater daytime productivity (all models)
· Traction motor for easier, more ergonomic operation over longer periods
· Easy daily maintenance with convenient, tool-free access to all cleaning components, battery, and tank
Call Alan on for more info
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