Viper AS530R Ride on scrubber

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Viper AS530R Ride on scrubber : $7,495 AUD ($8,245 Inc. GST)

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New 2024 Viper small ride on scrubber/dryer for sale.
Small ride-on scrubber dryer, with battery and tank capacity to clean for hours.
Big steering wheel makes it easy to manoeuvre.
Automatic braking system for enhanced safety.
Easy access to tanks for quick and easy emptying, refilling and cleaning of tanks.
Ideal for tiled floors and vinyl.
Technical data:
Input 24V
Vacuum motor 400W
Brush motor 450W
Max speed. 5.5km/h
Scrubbing width 530mm
Solution/Recovery tank 72/73L
Brush/Pad diameter 530mm
Brush/Pad pressure 23kg
Squeegee width 730mm
Productivity rate 3650 m²/hr
Sound pressure 69 +/-3
Net weight 200 kg (empty tanks, no batteries)
Dimensions 1360x580x1120mm (LxWxH)
Any questions about this machine please call us on -
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