Viper AS380B scrubber

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Viper AS380B scrubber : $3,690 AUD ($4,059 Inc. GST)

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Ex Demo Viper machine for sale!
A compact and user friendly micro scrubber/dryer ideal for small to medium areas and accessing narrow areas.
Ergonomic, adjustable and foldable handle provides easy use and storage.
Extremely compact machine that provides easier transportation and greater manoeuvrability.
Ideally suited for daily indoor scrubbing and drying in small to medium areas such as offices, hotels, hospitals, schools, smaller supermarkets and retail outlets.
Technical data-
Input 24V
Scrubbing Width 380mm
Solution/Recovery Tank 15/15L
Brush/Pad Diameter 380mm
Brush Motor 250W
Squeegee Width 490mm
Productivity Rate 750 m2/hr
Vacuum Motor 300W
Sound Pressure 68dB(A)
Net Weight 60kg
Operating weight 65kg
AS380B Scrubber/Dryer
VF89830 Brush
VF89502 Front Squeegee Blade
VF89503 Rear Squeegee Blade
VF89817 Pad Driver
DC35-12A Battery (x2)
VF89023EU Charger
For any enquiries please contact us on-
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