Sweeper SR 1000B

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Sweeper SR 1000B : $14,490 AUD ($15,939 Inc. GST)

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New 2022
SR 1000B
Speed in congested areas
The Nilfisk-Advance SR 1000S works fast, is very compact and manoeuvrable. Comes in battery for indoor or outdoor work and is durable to withstand tough working conditions. Recommended for use in loading bays, station platform or warehouses with narrow aisles.
The Nilfisk-Advance SR 1000S is small enough to fit into an elevator, and manoeuvrable enough to reach the tight corners.
Theoretical productivity rate of 5.500 m2 per hour
It turns in less than 2 m
3 m2 of panel filter, 50 l of hopper capacity with a climbing ability up to 16%, and other top performance features.
SR 1000S can also clean carpet areas, using the optional carpet kit
Video is for demonstration purposes
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