Scrubber/Dryer/Sweeper Combination- CS7010 LPG

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Scrubber/Dryer/Sweeper Combination- CS7010 LPG : $110,000 AUD ($121,000 Inc. GST)

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Ex Demo Dedicated sweeping and scrubbing functions with one pass cleaning keeps debris dry without introducing scrub solution to the debris hopper.
Hydraulic drives have been replaced with an intelligent system of electronically controlled, low maintenance electric drives
Retractable offset deck and breakaway squeegee
New generation filter system, variable filter shaking mechanism.
DustGuard, One Touch, Max Access, No Tools
Hybrid technology and Ecoflex
New and unique offering of hot water and high pressure cleaner
Input LPG
Motor type 3/30/
Scrubbing width 1245mm
Sweeping path 1540mm
Solution/recovery tank 284/2884L
Hopper volume 198L
Squeegee width 1350mm
Working speed 5.6km/h
Max speed 8.9km/h
Dimensions 2620x1220x1500mm (LxWxH)
Operating weight 1973kg
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