Ride on Sweeper - ROS1300

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Ride on Sweeper - ROS1300 : $18,995 AUD ($20,895 Inc. GST)

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Ex Demo Viper Ride on Sweeper
Model ROS1300
24V 2640W
With 2 front side brooms, perfect for large areas, very simple to use ad navigate, comfortable seating. It has an easy push button start with good acceleration. All great machine
Maintain high productivity whatever your application with optimal dust and debris collection and powerful rear-wheel drive – even up slopes
· More sweeping, less dumping with high capacity 130 litre hopper on wheels and optional three mini containers for convenient debris dumping easy to
· Optimized for operator comfort, with cup holder, USB port, built-in device storage and water level indicator for dust control misting system
· Safety-centric design with manual brake, dual parking brakes, warning beacon, front LED light, speed-reduction
during turns and ergonomic adjustable seat
Call Alan on for more information.
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