Ride On Scrubber/Dryer SC6000- 1050D

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Ride On Scrubber/Dryer SC6000- 1050D : $44,990 AUD ($49,489 Inc. GST)

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New SC6000-1050D
Integrated Smartflow lever integrated into steering wheel prevents splashes while turning.
Speed limiter function reduces operator fatigue during cleaning, particularly when navigating obstacles.
Reliable and compact construction in compact dimensions.
Fully protected scrub deck and side skirts using steel doors with rollers to minimise risk of machine or facility damage.
SmartKey system with two levels of access
OLED display visible from all viewing angles and even in bright light.
Click-on disc brush system for simple one-touch installation of brushes or pad holder.
Input 36V
Rated Power 2700W
Brush motor power 750x2W
Vacuum motor power 600W
Scrubbing width 1016mm
Solution/recovery tank 190/190L
Squeegee width 123mm
Productivity rate 9450/6620 m²/hr (theoretical/actual)
Working speed 9fwd/4rev km/h
Dimensions 1780x1170x1580mm (LxWxH)
Net weight 816kg.
Operating weight 1070kg
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