Ride On Scrubber/Dryer- BR855

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Ride On Scrubber/Dryer- BR855 : $22,500 AUD ($24,750 Inc. GST)

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NewThis ride on scrubber has a waterproof one touch control panel which simplifies operations for better results.
User friendly, easy to operate and highly productive.
High manoeuvrability allows cleaning in congested areas.
Adjustable scrubbing pressure ensures better results.
Integrated three stage vacuum reduces noise levels.
Input 24V
Rated power 2160W
Brush motor power 480W
Vacuum motor power 560W
Scrubbing width 860mm
Solution/recovery tank 106/106L
Squeegee width 105mm
Productivity rate 5400/3800m²/hr
Working speed 6.3km/h
Dimensions 1520x920x1310mm (LxWxH)
Net weight 246kg
Operating 660kg
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