Ride on Scrubber - AS1050R

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Ride on Scrubber - AS1050R : $18,995 AUD ($20,895 Inc. GST)

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Voltage 36
Ex Demo Viper AS1050R is the largest of ride on scrubber built for the biggest indoor areas. Perfect for retail areas and spaces above 7,000 m2.
Easy to operate and maneuverer and includes accessories , blade squeegee front, side and rear rubber
Quite while running with great turning circle. All over great machine.
Key features include:
· Eco mode for optimal productivity and consumption; up to 5 hours’ runtime
· Robust bumpers, automatic and mechanical braking, automatic speed-reduction during turns, and ergonomic seating with safety switch.
· Comprehensive control panel with one-button start, and LCD display for operational overview
· Dual-vacuum system (optional) for optimal performance from start to finish, even for heavy jobs
· Adjustable work settings for greater task flexibility during operation on different floors
Call Alan for more info or for a demo
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