New Nilfisk Viper AS510 scrubber

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New Nilfisk Viper AS510 scrubber : $4,990 AUD ($5,489 Inc. GST)
New 2022 Nilfisk Viper AS510 walk behind scrubber, complete with batteries, charger, standard brush and pad holder.
$4,990.00 plus GST
12 months warranty.
An easy to use, medium sized walk behind scrubber/dryer. Ideally suited to scrubbing & drying mid sized and heavy traffic areas.
The solution and recovery tank is integrated into a single molded part which increases tank capacity.
Suitable for cleaning mid sized areas such as hotels, restaurants, schools, shopping malls, retail outlets, hospitals and train stations.
Technical data:
Input 24V
Scrubbing width 510mm
Solution/Recovery tank 40/40L
Brush/Pad diameter 510 mm
Brush/Pad pressure 38Kg max
Brush motor 650W
Squeegee width 790mm
Productivity rate 2100m²/hr
Vacuum motor 350W
Sound pressure 70dB(A)
Net weight 145Kg (empty tanks, no batteries)
Operating weight 220Kg (full tanks, with batteries)
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