Ex Demo Viper 5160T Traction Walk behind scrubber 20" Only $5,990.00 plus GST

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Ex Demo Viper 5160T Traction Walk behind scrubber 20" Only $5,990.00 plus GST : $5,990 AUD ($6,589 Inc. GST)

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Ex Demo 2022 Viper AS5160T battery operated scrubber for sale complete with batteries, charger, brush & pad holder Massive saving off list price.
This Months Special $5,990.00 plus GST.
Highly productive walk behind scrubber dryer, with battery endurance and tank capacity to clean for hours.
Traction motor to reduce operator fatigue.
Hour meter.
Brush and pad drivers can be installed and removed automatically.
Suitable for cleaning high traffic areas in hotels, restaurants, schools, shopping malls, retail outlets, hospitals etc.
Technical data:-
Input 24Volt.
Scrubbing width 510mm
Solution/Recovery tank 61/61L
Brush/Pad diameter 510mm
Brush/Pad pressure 27kg
Brush motor 450W
Squeegee width 790mm
Productivity rate 2650m²/hr
Vacuum motor 350W
Sound pressure 69+-/3
Net weight 93kg (empty tanks, no batteries)
Operating weight 220kg (full tanks, with batteries)
Any questions about this machine, don't hesitate to call us on -
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