Compact Walk Behind Scrubber Dryer- SC351 Special

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Compact Walk Behind Scrubber Dryer- SC351 Special : $4,900 AUD ($5,390 Inc. GST)
New SC351 Compact design with foldable handle for easy transportation and storage , even when space is limited.
Ideal for cleaning hotels, schools, small shops, offices, canteens and coffee shops.
Rotating deck allows the machine to scrub and dry both forwards and backwards.
Easy brush adjustment for perfect traction control.
New squeegee system with high suction performance and patented blade retaining system for easy replacement.
Adjustable dual setting water flow controls.
Brush deck includes bumper rollers and spring system for shock absorption.
Input 12V.
Rated Power 500W
Scrubbing width 470mm
Solution/Recovery Tank 11/11L
Squeegee Width 370mm
Productivity Rate 1480/890 m²/hr (theoretical/actual)
Working Speed 4 km/h
Dimensions 730x475x450mm (LxWxH)
Weight 80kg (with batteries)